Daniel Benedict Daniel Benedict

Building a Brain to Computer Interaction

I’ve developed my first Brain-Computer-Interaction! (BCI) A user puts on an EEG headband, data is sent from the headband to a web app I’ve written, and that app uses an algorithm to determine whether or not the user is focusing. This is a huge step forward in my dream to design and develop for the future of interaction and interfaces.

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Daniel Benedict Daniel Benedict

Design for the Brain

When we design for a user, we are designing for the brain. It is the seat of our life experience. Inside, our senses, memories, and ideas exist inside as a beautiful combination of physical components and electrochemical reactions. I believe we can transform our ability to create and empathize by understanding the brain’s structure and characteristics.

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Daniel Benedict Daniel Benedict

Hello there!

Welcome! I’m Dan, and making things is my passion. Every day, it shows me ways to grow, gives me motivation, and brings me closer to others. It fills my professional and personal life. Please enjoy this post if you’d like to know more about who I am and what I do!

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