Cyber Sculpture

A cyber-physical system for bringing people together.

3D Modeling

Cyper Physical : UNUM

UNUM was an interactive installation at the SCAD 2019 ITGM showcase. UNUM brings people together to create light and spectacle.

As users step on a pressure-plated platform, they activate circuits which use colorful animation to illuminate a darkened space. As more and more users step on the remaining platforms, different animations and colors fill the sculpture.


We embarked on a process of ideation that involved pitching and voting on various ideas for the installation. Employing blind-voting and engaging in round table discussions, we ultimately arrived at a decision to center our concept around the themes of light, spectacle, and community. We recognized that the true magic of UNUM should only come to life through collective effort, inviting people to participate and witness the transformative power of collaboration.


Converting the UNUM concept into a preliminary design involved carefully considering feasibility and budget constraints. The process entailed evaluating options for creating repeatable assets that could be delivered on-time within the limited resources of college students. This meticulous analysis ensured a design that was both achievable and aligned with the vision of the installation.

During the design refinement process, we narrowed down the concept to a ring-like platform encircling a captivating central sculpture. Embracing a cyber-punk design aesthetic, this visually stunning arrangement combined artistry, interactivity, and a futuristic vibe into one captivating installation.

Centerpiece Iteration

I used Rhino 3D to visualize potential centerpieces and effectively communicate the envisioned illumination for the exhibit. This powerful tool allowed me to create detailed digital representations of the centerpieces, exploring different designs and experimenting with lighting effects. Through these renderings, our team gained a clear and vivid understanding of how the exhibit would come to life.

Proof of Concept

Creating a proof of concept was crucial to showcase the effectiveness of our idea, particularly on a larger scale. While our concept was solid, we needed to demonstrate its functionality and impact. By developing key components and showcasing our final vision, even in separate pieces, we brought our concept to life and validated its potential.


Through our proof of concept, we discovered that the tree centerpiece was not feasible at a larger scale due to material costs and space constraints. This realization prompted us to iterate once again, leading us to a tessellation design that perfectly emphasized the cyber-punk elements of our vision. This new solution not only addressed the practical considerations but also elevated the overall aesthetic appeal of the installation.


With the design finalized and concept proven, we set out to bring the vision to life at scale.


After an arduous construction process, the assembly and deployment of UNUM were accomplished triumphantly for the 2019 Spring Physical Computing showcase. With meticulous planning and execution, the installation was completed within the designated timeframe and budget. The exhibit proved to be a captivating masterpiece, fostering curiosity and encouraging collaboration among showcase attendees.

Witnessing participants unlock the mysteries of pattern, color, and brightness by experimenting with the platform and lights was truly inspiring. UNUM remains one of my most cherished projects from my time at SCAD, fueling my passion to further explore the realms of physical computing, blending art and science in extraordinary ways.