
Children are developing mindsets which prevent them from pushing through struggles, coupled with a worldwide shortcoming in physical activity.

Later in life, these mindsets and sedentary lifestyles are compounded by excessive “screen time” which strongly correlates with anxiety, depression, and antisocial behaviors.

Problem Statement :The digital generation children are not developing the empathy and habits necessary to live healthy, productive, lives.

Vision Statement: Felo is a robotic childhood companion that teaches children the responsibility, empathy, and healthy habits like routine and goal achievement through interactivity, personality, and haptic feedback.

My Role : Team Facilitation | Contextual Research | User Journey Map | Graphic Design | Low, Mid, and Hi Fidelity App Prototyping | User Testing | Vision Video Motion Media, Effects, & Editing | Outside talent coordination

Research and Design: Sam Klein, Mack Blank, Dan Benedict, Meshal Almazyad
Vision Video Production: Claire Eby, Tanner Carson, Eric Veltre

Award video

What is a Felo?

Felo is a companion.

Felo’s mission is to help children during their early stages of development. Felo works with them to form healthy habits.

Felo creates an empathetic connection with their child. Felo expresses needs, ideas, and notifications through visual and auditory, but Non-verbal, communication; communicating like a puppy, bird, or favorite pet. The child to creates a one-of-a-kind understanding of their Felo.

During their time together Felo can aid with staying on routine, whether it be for work or staying active, and he can record the accomplishments to give the child or parent a sense of improvement and help encourage them.

Core Features

Where does Felo fit?

Felo’s features allow them to interact with a child in a delightful, screen-less, manner. Through these features, Felo presents opportunities to experience the value of responsibility, empathy, and achievement.

Felo doesn’t replace the care of a guardian. Felo augments it. Felo allows the adult to focus on encouraging and assisting their child.

Parental Control

Behind the scenes, Felo and the guardians work together to nurture positive growth.

Through a companion app, guardians are able to tailor routines, set goals, and adjust Felo as they see fit. All while receiving real-time feedback on routines, interactions, opportunities, progress, and achievements.

Adventure Time

Felo loves different ways to play.

Through the add-on hardware, your Felo can go anywhere! Each attachment opens up a world of new opportunities.