Jury Diversity

Revealing the statistics of Jury Diversity, and identifying ways to make diverse juror selections. Done in partnership with the LexisNexis African Ancestry Network and Rule of Law Foundation.


Advancing the Rule of Law

This project is was created as part of the 2022 LexisNexis African Ancestry Network & LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation Fellowship. It was presented at the 2022 LexisNexis® Equity in the Law Symposium.

Lexis Nexis’ Rule of Law Foundation is “marshaling [their] resources to endeavor to make a practical, tangible impact in the effort to eliminate systemic racism in the legal system.

(Ronda Moore, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer and Head of Global Talent Development)

“The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals accused of a crime the right to an impartial jury. This [project] examines the jury selection process, the right to an impartial jury, and racial bias using North Carolina as a case study…

Jury of Your Peers

“AI tools could be used to identify prejudicial lines of questioning that would disproportionately lead to removing jurors of color and track when prosecutors show a repeated pattern of this line of questioning to better inform and hold them accountable to the community.

In the New Age Can Artificial Intelligence and Technology Alleviate Racial Bias in Jury Selection?Aquilla Gardner, J.D. candidate at the Howard University School of Law

A Transparency Dashboard

We’re building metrics to establish what the challenges are, what the benchmarks for representative jurys should be, and – longer term – to help measure whether we’re having any success (especially aroud trust in the system).  

In 2022, several surveys were sent out across North Carolina to begin creating a data set that will allow us to make informed decisions moving ahead. These metrics are available through an interactive dashboard are available at The Bias Free Jury Project. A single source for the latest progress on this journey.

Coding Data Visualization

In 2022, I contributed to the project as a UX Designer. I focused on fine-tuning the content and layout of the wordpress site. I also designed, coded, and integrated the data visualization dashboard.

This initial widget has since been upgraded, offering users an easy way to discover the jury data of North Carolina.

Final Thoughts

The Bias Free Jury Project was one of 5 projects chosen to continue into 2023. (Article) A new Cohort of Law Students and a team of volunteers are working to challenge assumptions and increase the potential impact of this concept.